The person who entered the price must have inverted those two digits ?!? 🤔

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

I like Hugh, I like the hats, the pricing is a miss. I don’t get it…

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Price surely screams a lack of interest in social approval. I like.

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I love you baby. You're my westerosian dragon breathing fire and water. I appreciate the price of my new hat. Unlike others. Sure. I'm not wealthy. But I do recommend you panic into a long term swap-tion with a monster trend following bent.

Thank you Hugh. Thank you.

Oh. And remember traders.

Don't panic while panicking

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At 81 pounds I’m definitely panicking

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Cowboy hats? Pirate hats?

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Its here and now, hang on to your ass Hugh, p.s. acid gave me the visionary ability I have today, give me a plug. https://contrarythinker.com/

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Forepla? WTF. We're been s.it out from the end.

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Hats shoulda been free to the top 100 folks singing praises on Apple reviews.. how much does a hat cost to produce - 1 or 2 $'s in Cheenay IF that?

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Brah, difficult to contain my disappointment at 145 pacific pesos. The downunder chapter disapproves :-(

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If I click the “buy now” button will my browser be taken over by Rick Astley singing Never Gonna Give You Up?

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Thats disapointing on so many levels.

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To everyone making negative comments regarding the price, I will tell you that most probably you do not get it! I trust my feelings and bought not 1 but more. We are outside the realm of simple reasoning. I recommend you panic and get your hat before its too late :) I love the price! In fact even if it was x10, I would still buy :) The higher the price - better and my feelings would be even more stronger.

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Delicatessen pricing Hugh?

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Pay an exorbitant sum for a hat to advertise you?

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£81 for a shit hat. How about fuck off.

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